St Vincent’s College Masterplan – Campus Links and Sports Facility

Contemporary response to heritage context. Complex resolution of circulation to create a series of improved connections and spaces.

ThomsonAdsett undertook the masterplan for St Vincent’s College that involved reconfiguring complex circulation paths on the site. The masterplan resulted in a built structure that links a number of buildings, previously not connected, through a series of stairs and ramps.

The school is a place of significant heritage value. Our design needed to be respectful of the heritage fabric of the existing buildings while creating a contemporary intervention that knitted together various eras of the campus’ development.

The project successfully mediates multiple differences of levels, architectural styles and heritage.

Our design uses glass and concrete to establish a new social and gallery space that has become the circulation spine of the campus.

The school needed to remain completely functional during the construction period which resulted in several minor staging steps throughout the build.

The masterplan identified a new sports hall and support areas that was conceived as a vertically-stacked program in response to this tight urban site.


St Vincent’s College


Potts Point, New South Wales, Australia



Interior Design



Stages 1A and 1B completed 2012 - 2017


Estimated $9.5 million


A contemporary intervention
that knits together various eras
of the campus’ development
