A vertical complex consisting of a day hospital, specialist suites, a pharmacy, retail tenancies and a multi-storey car park

Herston Health Mixed Use is an eye-catching complex with a distinct vertical arrangement:

  • Basement: single-level car parking
  • Ground Floor: lobby, pharmacy, retail and specialist suites
  • Level 1: day hospital (Class 9A)
  • Levels 2-3: specialist suites
  • Level 4: specialist suites and car parking
  • Levels 5-9: multi-storey car parking.

Uniquely arranged, the project places the active uses below the majority of the car parking.

The lower levels offer a permeable, transparent form with full-height glazing. Contrastingly, the car park above introduces a bold form which is layered with a striking composition of geometric elements punctuated with a green façade and fluid lighting design.

Closely located to the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH), the project offers strong connections to one of Queensland’s largest hospital precincts. Proximity to a major road and public transport options were also key to the development of the site.

ThomsonAdsett was part of the project from its inception, and then novated to the builder who completed construction of Herston Health Mixed Use ahead of schedule.


ADCO Constructions

Akalan Projects


Bowen Hills, Queensland, Australia





Completed 2021


$25 million


Thanks to all the ThomsonAdsett team involved for their input and collaboration in such a great project. It was much appreciated and continued my personal excellent experiences with ThomsonAdsett.

Aaron Harper-Giles, Senior Project Manager
ADCO Constructions