A hub to meet, learn, connect and grow. The design was ‘layered’ to address the social, reflective and support spaces required by the brief.

The university required a welcoming, permeable, inclusive, agile and flexible response and experimental spaces not found elsewhere on campus.

Feature spaces include an experimental collaborative space, a learning ‘aviary’ landscape, a shared meeting room, seminar rooms on each level, contemporary offices, a laptop lounge, a 24/7 study hall, and a feature sky lounge with views of the hinterland and Tamborine Mountain, uniting the library with the wider site.

The project also contains the GUMURRII Centre – a support centre for indigenous students conceived as an integral part of the scheme. The outcome is distinctive, progressive, welcoming and encourages serendipitous encounters.

Both students and academics have a myriad of internal and external learning settings on offer that epitomise the culture of the place and university.

Read more: Adaptive Re-use: Realising Potential, Griffith University Case Study, 2012, Legerton, G. https://issuu.com/stefpalmer/docs/ gle03adaptivereuse


Griffith University - Gold Coast Campus


Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia



Interior Design



Completed 2013


$21 million


2014 CEFPI Australasia Overall Winner

2014 CEFPI Australasia Region Winner of Refurbishment and Modernisation over $2M

2014 Australian Institute of Architects Regional Commendation


This design has been widely recognised
for its cultural, academic and pedagogical
values, winning the Overall CEFPI Winner
2014 for the entire Australasia region.
