A hub to meet, learn, connect and grow. The design was ‘layered’ to address the social, reflective and support spaces required by the brief.
The university required a welcoming, permeable, inclusive, agile and flexible response and experimental spaces not found elsewhere on campus.
Feature spaces include an experimental collaborative space, a learning ‘aviary’ landscape, a shared meeting room, seminar rooms on each level, contemporary offices, a laptop lounge, a 24/7 study hall, and a feature sky lounge with views of the hinterland and Tamborine Mountain, uniting the library with the wider site.
The project also contains the GUMURRII Centre – a support centre for indigenous students conceived as an integral part of the scheme. The outcome is distinctive, progressive, welcoming and encourages serendipitous encounters.
Both students and academics have a myriad of internal and external learning settings on offer that epitomise the culture of the place and university.
Read more: Adaptive Re-use: Realising Potential, Griffith University Case Study, 2012, Legerton, G. https://issuu.com/stefpalmer/docs/ gle03adaptivereuse